Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Social Media Ad Graphics Do's and Don'ts


3 Do's and Don'ts To Growing Your Business With Social Media Marketing


Many people were and still are curious about improving their business through social media marketing. There are lots of people with testimonials, some even of very remarkable results from the strategies they've tried. Some others have reported mediocre results from it, at the same time, still, others have reported little if any real results.

Social Media Marketing Is Tougher Than You Thought, Right?

Surely most of us jumped into this thinking social media would be one of the easier tasks. Upon further experience, it's easy to conclude that gaining an online presence is no joke.

However, it's not at all complicated to uncover the secrets to keeping away from failure and to succeeding. Although I do want to stress, markedly, that you shouldn't fear failure. There are specific requirements to ensure success marketing your brand online, but it doesn't take a degree in Marketing or Business to figure it out.

You will find two kinds of information about social media marketing that you'll need to be familiar with. The first is the positive, need-to-do part, the "do's". You need to know what should be done if you want to succeed. This is particularly true if you're just beginning your business.

Secondly is the "don't's", the undesirable, need-to-avoid part. Being aware of what to avoid when you're first putting your business or brand out there is crucial. Your ability to succeed can be decreased or damaged unless you know this, and you especially need it, to make sure you never fail outright.

Alright, let's look into 3 of the do's and three of the don't's of improving your business and brand through social media marketing:

First "Do": Repost Other People In Your Profession's Content

Repost colleagues' content. The reason for this is simple. 1) People are doing the same thing you are. Think of it this way: if you had over 12k followers on Twitter, wouldn't you still want your name and brand retweeted regularly to continue gaining more followers?

In addition to the exposure, reposting colleague's content is a respectful gesture. It shows that you acknowledge their ideas, tips, and content. That in turns leads to recognition from your colleagues, who will then be more likely to interact with you. They may even share your business, brand, and content as appreciation and support, exposing you to their pool of followers of the same market.

First "Don't": Add And Follow In Large Numbers

This means don't be that account with barely any content following random people like crazy hoping they'll follow you back. Shoot even if you do have content, don't do that. The reason why this is not advised is simple: it's sketchy and it's lazy. It's also not effective and efficient in attracting the right followers.

For instance, If you type in a random hashtag related to your field and just start following people who used the hashtag, you have no idea what audience you're interacting with. They may have just used that tag that one time and the rest of their posts are about completely different topics.

In short, they would never actually buy anything you're selling. With this in mind, at the end of the day, aren't we trying to find potential clients or customers?

Second "Do": Experiment

You should embrace this because it involves the chance of failure. When I say experiment, I mean don't be afraid to put yourself out there and try new things. If you're one who doesn't take rejection well, I've got news for you: to make money you'd better suck it up, cupcake. As the old saying goes, "scared money don't make money."

You may be in the middle of one strategy, decide it's not working, and contemplate trying another one; and the best advice to that is go for it! Any entrepreneur or business owner will tell you that they never would've come up with their million-dollar idea had people not told them their original ideas sucked. If you've plateaued in followers and haven't done anything to change it up, it never hurts to try something different.

Second "Don't": Be Complacent

This may sound obvious, but as an entrepreneur, you're technically never off the clock. It's easy to get into those modes where you feel like going all out on promoting yourself. You'll be commenting and posting on every social media platform and slowly gain recognition. With some of this recognition comes more followers.

Here's where many fall off the wagon, however. As you'll notice in the social media business world, you'll have to watch people. They're about their business, even if it's shady. So instead of following you for the sake of actually being interested, they'll follow you only to get a follow-back, then unfollow. As your numbers dwindle, your followers may notice. They may also notice that there's inactivity on your account and decide you're no longer worth a follow. Harsh, but it's fair enough.

If you become complacent and don't post or put your name, business or brand out there consistently, you could lose both followers and trust that you'll deliver what they want regularly. Instead, you should help yourself out by scheduling time out of your day to dedicate specifically to posts.

Make sure you don't forget to post on each social media platform during each allotted time. Hootsuite is an excellent app for automatic scheduling, eliminating the chance of human error.

Third "Do": Be Consistent

And I'm talking on every level and platform. You really need to do this since successful brands are the ones that are recognized. Additionally, if potential partners and customers are scanning through their feed and can quickly recognize both your brand and content on one social media platform, they may seek your other social media pages. It helps them to help you when they can quickly search and find your brand. This is why it's imperative to remain consistent with all watermarks, logos, and content all across the social media board.

Third "Don't": Blow Up People's Feeds

Just don't be that person. Generally speaking, most people do not like seeing the same person's content showing up over and over again in their news feed. Doing this wreaks of desperation. It screams, "HEY! Look at me! I'm trying to make money by taking your money!"

That may be a little drastic, but you get my point. Now, this doesn't apply to all social media feeds. Twitter, for example, is more forgiving about constant posting. It's more private than Facebook and Instagram, so oftentimes if you look at the list of people and entities a business account is following, you'll likely see a theme. This means they chose to follow that account because they want more of that content on their feed.

Other than that exception, avoid posting too often. What you need to do in its place is interact with people. Try looking for potential customers or clients and respond to a question of theirs. If they said something you really agree with or you feel you can help them with something, like their comment and let them know!

Also, network with people and other businesses in your field. Ask them questions and get more information from them. It's an excellent way to find potential business partnerships, and it's flattering to your colleagues (remember, the more they're mentioned, the more exposure they get as well)!

Your Followers Will Spike With The Right

On the whole, it's important as an entrepreneur to have the mindset of seeing almost every social interaction as another opportunity for networking. This includes social media. In this day and age, it especially includes social media. It may not be traditional face-to-face interaction, but social media interaction presents more opportunities for business and brand growth than you may even realize.

Now you can boost your chance of improving your business through social media marketing. It really is easier than you think! All you need do is proceed with the above advice. Simply do the "do's" and you should not do the "don't's! Just follow these recommendations and the followers will speak for themselves!

Uncover more of the best ways to improving your business and brand through social media marketing and other lifestyle tips like this one at my blog [] site at []!

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Sunday, August 28, 2022

Pinterest Marketing 2022 [My Strategy That Gets 10M Monthly Views]


21 Pinterest Marketing Tricks

 Pinterest is one of the most powerful mediums you can use to attract massive traffic to your website. In addition, it allows you to tap into 176,000,000 users for free. In fact, studies have shown that 18% of the Pinterest users have the average income of $75,000 and higher. It means that there are potential clients you can tap into for your business.

Furthermore, with the power of Pinterest, you can utilize images, private messages, as well as videos to direct people to your website, YouTube videos, or any posts of your choice. This allows you to bring massive traffic to your landing page in which you are able to build massive subscribers base for your business on a daily basis.

Remember, your formula will always be... Visitors ---> Build Subscribers --> Potential Customers ---> Relationship Building ---> Revenue For Your Business. That's exactly the power of Pinterest Marketing.

Here come some suggestions and tricks to put you on the right track:

Trick #1: Blast Emails to your list. -- Instead of just following others on Pinterest, send emails to your list and let them know that you are going to share cool tips and tricks on solving their problems on your Pinterest page.

Trick #2: Follow 300 Pinterest Users in Your Niche every day. -- Even though this technique is a little outdated, but in reality, it will seduce other users to follow you on Pinterest.

Trick #3: Pin 30 to 40 Pictures Per Day. -- However, you need to focus on those users in your niche. Even though this is a broad strategy, in reality, it will help you get followers to your Pinterest account.

Trick #4: Remove Pinterest users who don't follow you back. -- You need to wait roughly about one week before you remove any users you follow on Pinterest. Why is this important? Well, you want to work with only users who will reciprocate with you.

Trick #5: Put a Pinterest Button on your website. -- This allows other Pinterest users to share your blog or squeeze page for free.

Trick #6: Add Pinterest Pictures As a Journey of Your Venture. -- You can add a daily picture to your Pinterest as a way to tell your audience what you do on a daily basis. This allows your audience to see your daily activities in the form of pictures.

Trick #7: Greet each new followers that follow you on Pinterest. -- This allows you to have a lasting impression with each audience that could be potential customers for your business.

Trick #8: Make Friends with some Pinterest users. -- Why is this important? Well, when you make friends with 10 top Pinterest marketers, you are able to work together on pin each other posts. This allows you to build viral traffic within each other business.

This allows you to tag their name every time you post on Instagram.

Trick #9: Take pictures on certain friends who have Pinterest account. -- The idea is the same as Trick #8. The concept is to make sure that you looked famous in front of your audience. HINT: You can always attend a seminar and take pictures with the attendees.

Trick #10: Add signature file for every outgoing email. -- You just need to mention something like... "P.S. You can always follow my every move on Pinterest at {{Your PINTEREST URL}}".

Trick #11: Create A Special Discount in Exchange to Following You on Pinterest. -- Create a *SPARK* and incentive for your audience to Follow you on Pinterest.


Create a contest where you can ask your audience to click on the "Follow" button to get a coupon code for a 90% discount on your latest product at $99. (Well, it doesn't matter whether it is $99 product or $10 product. My point is... "Utilize the special discount".

Trick #12: Comment on each Pinterest posts in your niche. -- You should only comment on the posts in your niche. For Example: If you are in the weight loss niche, only comment on the post within that particular niche. When you stay focus on that particular niche, you are able to maximize the results.

Trick #13: Create A Cash Contest. -- You can use *real* cash as part of your contest where you ask people to follow you or engage conversation with your post on Pinterest. In addition, you can also provide *gift certificate* that can be used to purchase your product.


  • 1st Winner = $100 + $500 Gift Certificates to YOURPRODUCTS.
  • 2nd Winner = $75 + $400 Gift Certificates to YOURPRODUCTS.
  • 3rd Winner = $50 + $250 Gift Certificates to YOURPRODUCTS.
  • 4th Winner = $25 + $150 Gift Certificates to YOURPRODUCTS.
  • 5th Winner = $75 Gift Certificates to YOURPRODUCTS.

Trick #14: Brand Your Name First. -- It is important to brand your name such as: JohnDoe. This allows you to build your reputation as a public figure where you will attract loyal followers for your business.

Example: <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""></a> will be much better than <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

Trick #15: Brand Your Business After You Brand Your Name. -- Let people get to know first. Once they do, people will want to get to know your company and the progress within your company.

Remember: Pinterest vision is all about photos and videos sharing. It means that when you brand YOU with photos and videos, you will create a higher engagement. This allows people want to connect with your business. It is that powerful

Trick #16: Schedule Your Weekly Posts Ahead of Time. -- Instead of scheduling your weekly posts on a daily basis. You need to come up with all posts for a specific week one week at a time. This way, you will be able to stay productive on other tasks for your business.

Trick #17: Target Buyer Keywords At All Costs. -- Which one is more profitable? Wedding consultants or Wedding articles?

  1. When someone chooses "wedding consultant", do you consider this person as someone who is ready to purchase?
  2. When someone chooses "wedding articles", do you consider this person as someone who is ready to purchase?

Of course, the answer is obvious. When people choose "wedding consultant", they are looking for a consultant. It means that they are READY to pay $$$. My point is for you to look deeper into your niche. This allows you to focus on a pot of gold rather than just a pot of pebble.

Trick #18: Track Your Link At All Cost. -- If you don't track, you lose cash. I know it is easy to feel that you don't have the time. However, if you don't track your link, you won't be able to know which produces more clicks and which wall post give you a lower conversion.

Trick #19: Always Use Your Squeeze Page URL on Your Profile Description. -- This allows you to build your subscriber base from Pinterest. Always remember that your goal from Pinterest marketing is to build your list first. NOTE: Studies have shown that each subscriber that you have is equal to $1 to $1.50 per month for your business.

Trick #20: Always Use Images that focus on the result you want your audience have. -- Images are more powerful than words. Use them to show your audience what they can get if they utilize your products and services.

Trick #21: If you have nothing new to post, you can always publish image with a motivational quote. -- With so many negativities around us, motivational quotes will attract your audience to follow you on Pinterest. (Yes, you can always gram motivational quotes as often as you wish!)

André Klein
For more Internet Business, Social Marketing and Pinterest articles visit this link:

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Friday, August 26, 2022

Marketing Strategy To Make More Sales (How To Beat Your Competition)


Beat The Competition With These Social Media Marketing Tips


If there is one big change in business advertising and marketing in recent years, it is social media marketing. The opportunities for utilizing social media to increase business are growing every day. The social media tips contained in this article will help your business thrive. Make it as easy as possible for your users to subscribe to your information. Used in tandem with social media marketing, the relatively age-old method of email marketing can be quite effective. Profiles in social media sites often allow you to add various buttons and an RSS feed.

You want them everywhere you can think of, your blog, email, website and anywhere else you can think of. Try to add your links to other profiles as well to encourage multiple sources of traffic for your site. You want to make it as simple as possible for potential customers to subscribe and sign up for your business's blog. Make sure people can see the button to subscribe to your feed. This will make it easier for followers to leave their information, follow your posts and share your content with friends. Keep it in mind that people still have Internet that is slow, so if the subscribe button can load first it's recommended to do that. When using social media marketing as a tool for your business, it is crucial that you pay attention to the content that is being posted since it represents your business.

Mistakes can go viral as easily as good information and quality content. While this may generate a lot of publicity for your business, oftentimes, it is not the publicity that you are seeking. Add a tag when you post on Twitter. Just add in a "#," followed by a relevant phrase, after you put updates up on your social media accounts. Consider carefully which tags to use and which groups your target audience will most likely subscribe to. When working with social media to promote your business, it's a great idea to offer some purchasing incentives, but you don't want to seem overly pushy. No one wants a forced sale. Let customers know about a weekly bonus or extra discount at an expected preset time. Thus, your customer base can get discounts, but will not feel as though they have been bombarded or tricked into something. Develop an honest online presence. You should present yourself as knowledgeable in your chosen field. Never publish any material of a questionable nature. Only post relevant and appropriate videos that are entertaining. This helps generate a great profile that will create lots of profits. Social media should be used as a way to inform readers of the information and services that your company offers. For example, you can post pictures of fund-raising events and interact with your community. Make sure you record what your workers are doing through pictures and writing.

Make use of all things that convey a positive image of your company. Make certain you update your social profiles often. Social network users have become used to regular updates, and a lack of updates could drive your customers away. Aim for updating your content several times weekly. Social media is all about being social, so be ready to speak with your customers. If they have a complaint or a suggestion, open a dialogue with them. It's common to look over a question or comment, so keep an eye out for them. Include a re-tweet option on every post to your blog. This will make it easy for visitors to share posts with their Twitter followers. This allows your followers to advertise for you without any extra monetary cost to you. Make sure you're mindful of what you say when you're on your social media page. You are responsible for everything you publish on these sites and the things you share could give a bad image of your business if you are not careful. In your website content, mention your social media efforts. This can be done with an article or a simple post on your Twitter account.

Thank your fans for showing an interest in your social media site. A post about the results of your social media marketing will be popular and highly-shared. Don't think results will come right away. It takes time to create a truly winning social media campaign. You have to work on increasing your popularity by having more people follow you on Facebook and Twitter. Once this happens, you will be able to launch some serious marketing campaigns. Talk about your social media marketing campaign via your other marketing tools. When a person or business subscribes to your Twitter feed, return the favor. This helps to maintain a level of credibility with your potential customers. Doing so shows your customers that you respect them and that you don't feel that you are superior to them. You're more likely to keep followers by tweeting them and following them back.

Remember what has happened to you in the past. Take advantage of this guidance in order to develop a strong marketing plan and generate more profits going forward. Learn from your mistakes and keep your marketing plan up-to-date by following the latest innovations. See how your competitors are making use of social media to promote their businesses. Find out what's working for them and what isn't. This will help your business to thrive and can shield you from falling behind your competition. Help people online and on social media websites so you can look like an expert. If you are able to do this, you can attract consistent business. Look around online for locations where people are asking questions regarding your industry, and help them by providing quality answers. If you continue to do this, it will noticeably increase your customer base over time. If you are the owner of an RSS feed, you should always link all of your sites to it. This will allow your readers and bloggers access to the information on your social media accounts. That makes it more simple for people who know you to follow you wherever you are. It's a good idea to include a vibrant headline in your content. Your reader makes a first impression based on your headline.

You have to catch them quickly and grab their attention so they will continue reading the entire post. Put some real effort into good headlines. Frequently, leave friendly posts and helpful comments on the pages of fellow blogger's sites. Remember, the key word in social media marketing is "social." If you're willing to be social, people are more likely to return the favour. A simple way to become more popular is by starting dialogues with others whose blogs are in the same niche as yours. This strategy can also lead to good networking benefits. Practice patience. You have to earn people's trust in your products. This will take time. Before long, you'll have a long list of clients. Get Facebook followers by using your email list to notify them. Perhaps you have already developed your mailing list. You should send them a link to your social media sites. This will enable existing customers easy and complete access to you. One popular social media method is to allow an experienced blogger, who writes about the same product or service you sell, to write guest posts on your blog. Either way, you can generate more traffic. If you are ever invited to guest blog somewhere else, make sure you can get a backlink out of the deal. You should also allow other bloggers to have their own backlinks as well. The followers of that blogger will be more likely to seek info about your site. There are very many ways that you can begin to incorporate social media and Instagram marketing strategy with your business. It is incredible how much social media can help you gain an online presence and find new customers. This article should help you make your business recommended.

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Thursday, August 25, 2022

How To Grow your Instagram Followers Organically! Tips To *Actually* Gain A Following


How To Grow Your Social Media Following Organically

You must have gone through the typical ads, direct messages, emails, etc. from the companies promising exciting services to level up your social media pages and grow your fans and followers throughout different platforms. When you accept such proposals, you got a huge number of friends and followers and seems though now you actually have a strong presence. However, they are collected through the followers-purchasing game, which turns down your real goal and makes you give up on the power of social media.

Here Are Some Do And Don't For Growing Your Fan Following On Social Media Organically:-

Get A Following -

  • Don't: People are usually involved in playing follow and unfollow game that involves finding potential fans and followers, following them and then unfollowing them. They follow them back once again to grab their attention. This is waste of time because not everyone is paying attention to social media all the time.
  • Do: Engage with someone who wants to get engaged with you for the products or services you offer. Instead of playing follow and unfollow game, find the people who find you valuable.
Target a Specific Audience -

  • Don't: Join groups on the social channels and constantly posting about the services annoy the people most. You'll likely get kicked out from the groups for not having genuinity. Instead this, a smarter way to work up is to post and share content you've created on your own to start a conversation. This is far more effective and you won't need to ask people to follow you.
  • Do: Spend a little and target the audience through SEO packages and other internet marketing services. You can easily target people with serving them with the informative content as well as the products or services you offer. Get into the videos or blogs to speak to them for the problems.

Interact With People Like A Boss -

  • Don't: Engaging into a conversation that is dropping you into the false connections happening on the social media is the fastest way to earn a bad reputation. Try to engage into a conversation that values but don't interject and interrupt into their social life. Invite people with a lot of queries over a coffee on the table so that you can solve them better.
  • Do: Taking short cuts for getting success with the sharing, engaging and interacting people will not work but investing a little time genuinely for the same can give you a path of sure shot success. Get some new followers everyday who are interested in the great conversations.

Call Web Click India at: 8750587506, leading SEO Company in Delhi provides affordable social media marketing services to its global clients. We are also counted as one of the leading Website Designing Company in Delhi. Contact us now.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

5 Common Mistakes Every Social Media Managers Should Avoid


3 Mistakes in Social Media Marketing That May Come Back to Haunt You

 Picture this.

You order an item online and it takes way more time to arrive than it should. Plus, a few items are missing in the package. Frustrated, you take to the vendor's Facebook channel to voice your concerns and expect to be compensated.

And despite repeated prodding, there is complete radio silence at the other end.

The experience didn't feel good did it? You think maybe this business doesn't care about you - how you trusted it to give you a good experience and it shattered this trust instead. So you do what any frustrated individual would - you vow never to order anything from here again and hit the "unlike" button.

For social media strategists, there is a lesson to be learned here. A social media marketing strategy can eventually falter with a few unlikes and negative comments.

As a business owner, social media gives you limited chances to make a good impression. How you take advantage of these chances might make your business or break it.

The proof is in these stats:

• 71% of users who have a positive social media experience with a brand are likely to recommend it - Ambassador

• According to a study, hardly 20% of social media posts hardly generate any emotional reaction on social media - Havas Media

• 42% of Twitter users expect to be expect a business to respond to their inquiries within an hour - Ambassador

As a social media marketer, the best way to improve your social media strategy is to first find why it falters in the first place. Here are some mistakes that you might have overlooked:

1 - Being careless with negative feedback

If you have ever dealt with a salesperson, you wouldn't expect him to become defensive when you have a complaint or be careless about your concerns.

So why would your followers on social media?

Keep in mind, whenever anyone says something negative about you on social media, the rest of your followers can see them. And they will be as interested to see how you respond.

For businesses, this is a nail-biting scenario. But it is totally avoidable. Here is how:

• Put someone competent behind the wheel: Experienced professionals like social media experts will take an unbiased approach to the negativity and know that being careless about it serves no purpose.

For example, they know that being unresponsive to comments like "your service sucks! I want my money back" doesn't really help anyone. A well worded reply on the other hand, helps both your reputation and appeases rising tempers.

To illustrate, your reply should go something like, "We are sorry that you had a bad experience. Can you tell us exactly what happened so we can make amends?" This way, you are more likely to ease frustrated customers.

• Become alert to mentions by using online tools: It's easy to forget about something you don't encounter every day. Comments on social media are the same. You can't track every one of them. No one inboxes them to you and there is no guarantee that followers will tag you.

To keep track of all comments, you can use tools like Google Alerts which notify you when anyone uses your keywords on their social media fields.

2 - Using social media management tools to schedule same posts on all platforms

Social media management tools allow marketers to post the same content on several social media platforms at once. Many businesses use it to schedule posts. And it has worked for them too, freeing up the time they need to focus on other tasks.

But oftentimes, people use these tools as a shortcut to schedule same posts on several platforms. It's a lazy tactic and shows that you don't care how your content is received by audiences.

Keep in mind, what works on Facebook or Twitter won't necessarily work on LinkedIn. Every social media platform was created with specific target audiences in mind. A 140 character tweet, for example, won't sit well with LinkedIn audiences who expect more comprehensive posts.

Use tools to schedule optimized posts

To make the most of social sharing tools, improve your social media strategy first. Take the time to learn about the unique capabilities of each platform. Limit yourself to two or three platforms if that is what it takes. For example, posts that are rich in imagery are more successful on Google+.

Hootsuite and HubSpot are two of the many social media management tools that you can use to automate posts and even see which channels are driving the most engagement. In addition to automated content sharing, these platforms also offer free online social marketing training courses that can help you make the most of each platform like optimizing your posts for different social media channels.

3 - Skimping on social share buttons

Business owners usually reserve their best content for their websites. Content like informative blogs, for example, establish them as experts in their niches.

It also give visitors a chance to stay longer on these websites. Perhaps they would like to look around to see what else is on offer?

Unfortunately, you could feature content that everyone would love to share - but if visitors don't have any way to share it, it isn't going to get the exposure you are looking for.

To make this work for you:

• Make your social sharing work on mobile: Statistics show that over 15% of tweet mentions are from the tweet buttons that are embedded on your site. This also proves to show that people share a lot on mobile devices.

• Tools to create social share buttons for WordPress: You can use online tools to create customized social share buttons for different audiences.

When selecting appropriate plugins, a good rule of thumb is to select those that allow you more freedom in the type of social share buttons you can create for different platforms.

For example, to improve engagement with mobile audiences you can tell your developers to download WordPress plugin tools like Simple Share Buttons Adder to create customized share buttons for your web or mobile audience and add them to all of your social media posts. Another plugin tool is Addthis.

• Have a social budget: If anything is worth doing, it's worth doing right. Tools like Simple Share Button Adder are free to download and use. But if you really want to make your share buttons shine, it's best to have a budget for it and use it to purchase their pro or premium packages. These offer more customization options and retail for around $10 to $100 dollars.

• Select shareable content wisely: If you want to take advantage of social media, your content must be something that people would want to share. Image rich posts, for example, are shared a lot more than text-based content.

To illustrate, consider infographics. Studies show that infographics are shared and "liked" on social media 3 times more than any other type of content.

Wrapping Up

Use tools to keep yourself alert to negative comments and rely on professional help. Avoid taking the lazy way out by ditching the auto posting strategy. Pay attention to the type of content you post, how your followers share content on your social platforms of choice and optimize it for mobile to expand your reach.

It's a mistake to regard social as a quick and easy solution to market your brand. It takes time, effort and patience. Learning about the mistakes and pitfalls can help you avoid them.

Farheen Shahzeb is a content strategist at Cygnis Media, an app development company specializing in the development of social media applications and enterprise software.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Social Media Marketing- Is It Worth It?

 Social media marketing has never been more important for businesses today. By using social media marketing your business has an incredible opportunity to connect with your target audience, increase your exposure, generate leads and bring in sales. After all, Facebook has over 1 billion users and Twitter has over 600 million users. Here are some simple ways you can use social media marketing to boost your business.

Getting Your Social Media Marketing Started.

The first task for your social media marketing strategy is to create a Facebook page and Twitter account. Both are free to set up. Choose a name that's easy to remember and preferably short. If you have a brand name, your Facebook and Twitter name should be either the same or similar.

Your can start to build your social media audience by using your existing resources. If you have a website, put the Facebook and Twitter follow buttons on your home page. If you have an email database list, add a link to your social media accounts in your email signature and ask people to like your Facebook page or follow you on Twitter.

What Should You Post?

Your social media marketing plan is about building a relationship with your audience. The best way to do this is to post content on a regular basis. You should post at least once a day and if you're having difficulty trying to find something to say, you can share other people's content. This is, in fact, good practice, even if you are publishing content regularly because you become a valued resource for your followers. You are providing your followers the best of information about your industry, regardless of whether it's written by you, or by someone else.

You can share anything and everything that your audience might value. This can be YouTube videos, infographics, blog posts, interesting images or articles. Typically 10am to 2pm is a good posting time for professionals. For a causal audience, 4pm is a good posting time. You can use free programs like Buffer to schedule your posts and tweets, so you can set up a week of posts all in one go.

How To Build Your Business.

Part of your social media marketing strategy should be to engage in conversations with your audience by offering advice, motivation and your experiences. If people like your posts or tweets, they will want to learn more about you and your products. As you build trust, your followers will be more inclined to buy from you. But don't constantly send out sales messages.

As a basic principle, for every 4 posts or tweets you send, only use 1 as a sales message. If you're consistently delivering high quality content, your audience will have no objection to your sales messages, provided that they are appropriate to your industry or niche.

Success in business is mostly about marketing, especially online. Great marketing can sell an average product but poor marketing cannot sell a great product. Discover all you need to know about marketing and starting an online business here.

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Monday, August 22, 2022

Social Media Marketing In 5 Minutes | What Is Social Media Marketing?


The Difference Between Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing

 It utilizes an assortment of digital channels like SEO (search engine optimization), social media and PPC (pay per click) to entice audiences towards a prospective brand. Digital marketing uses internet as the core medium of promotion which can be accessed using electronic gadgets like computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

Internet marketing techniques such as search engine marketing (SEM), e-mails form an integral part of digital marketing. Moreover, it also includes non-internet channels like short messaging service (SMS) and multimedia messaging service (MMS), callbacks, etc. All these different channels form an integrated part of digital marketing. Digital marketing is considered a BTL Below-The-Line marketing as it targets a smaller and more concentrated group and works on forming loyal customers and creating conversions.

SMO or (SMM), on the other hand, is a branch or subset of digital marketing that excels at promotion using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and so forth. It makes the use of social media for the purpose of marketing. Social media relies heavily on the interaction of the users, sharing information and forming a community of sorts and hence has a 'social' element to it. It utilizes the creation of artistic content which is presented accordingly to lure the audience towards your products or services and create a brand following.

According to Zephoria Digital Marketing Consultants, there are over 1.71 billion monthly active Facebook users worldwide. This means that statistically Facebook is too big to ignore and hence, should be a vital part of your social media marketing strategies. Online video consumption on such platforms has been on a steady rise and is the next big thing in terms of marketing strategies. SMM is also a BTL Below-The-Line marketing as it relates to segregated groups formed over common interests on social media platforms.

Companies looking to address their marketing needs need to choose between a digital marketing agency or a specialist agency. If you are looking for someone to plan out your entire marketing strategy, then a digital marketing agency would be a good choice. However, if you are looking for someone to only handle the social media aspect of your strategy, then you are better off working with a specialist agency.

With the extreme popularity of digital media, people are more willing to incorporate digital marketing into their everyday lifestyle. As per the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) report, Internet ad revenues in the United States reached a staggering $27.5 billion in the first half of 2015.This has opened up several job opportunities world over. There is a high demand; however, we experience a dearth in the skilled workforce as people are still coming to terms with the rapid evolution of digital media.

To meet the increasing demands of talented individuals, there are several online courses in digital marketing available. A quick Google search on this topic will enlist a host of institutes that offer the mentioned lessons. The courses run for a number of days where all the related topics under the umbrella of digital marketing are addressed. Students gain valuable insights into the subject that enables them to carve a niche for themselves.

The digital marketing course includes basic understanding of marketing and advertising concepts and fundamental knowledge of statistical and analytical tools. They are also given comprehensive information about email marketing, SEO/SEM, pay per click, mobile marketing, online video among others.

Social media marketing courses include an in-depth understanding of the principles of social media, major social media sites, social media strategy and measuring social media. It offers a look into the strengths and weaknesses of the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. and delves deeper into the newest trends surfacing on social media.Social media is an indispensable part of digital media strategy. SM platforms are leveraged for the purpose of branding of a product or service as it provides a more interactive medium open for a two-way conversation. Digital marketing is more relevant in terms of creating brand awareness, marketing or reputation management. Although they have different online applications, they serve the larger purpose of brand advancement and customer conversion into leads and sales. Consumers have become more brand conscious with active participation and most spoilt for choice with the plethora of options available online. Their share in the overall marketing strategy has grown manifold rendering traditional strategy techniques obsolete. The rate at which digital media is advancing, it won't be far fetched to imagine a future where virtual reality has transpired to every aspect of our existence.

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Sunday, August 21, 2022

How to Create LinkedIn Engagement


For many who would like to develop their unique company or increase their unique expert system, LinkedIn stays among the best programs to help make contacts? Whenever utilized to its complete possibilities, it might help elevate your profile to who's inside a position to help their company or attempts. The issue is that everyone isn't making the most of their particular profiles, resulting in wasted options.

Like most conscious tasks like clearing out the clutter in the workplace, users do not want to invest many hours each day on LinkedIn to see the excellent outcomes. Getting aware of how you utilize it could suggest the change between producing good prospects and securing a company or just trying out an area with nothing powerful to supply. Here are seven ways to optimize their LinkedIn visibility and begin witnessing the types of outcomes you wish to develop your company.

1. Schedule typical changes.

It is essential to improve your visibility each month, one-fourth, or, at the very least, after each season. By scheduling it throughout a specific time frame, you're more prone to do so.

2. Showcase your work.

Rebecca Renner, a freelance blogger and editor, used her marketing and advertising understanding of LinkedIn. "Business owners wish to employ authors who compose really," she says, so she began sharing her publishing on her LinkedIn web page. Instead of content and paste her articles, though, she'd incorporate snappy information plus some appropriate hashtags.

3. Usage keywords in visibility and explanations.

When consumers began asking us to ghostwrite for all of them, it had not taken place if you asked me to incorporate them within my LinkedIn profile until a pal proposed it. As expected, shortly after we put them, we began getting queries from business owners and nonprofit companies inquiring if I would consider ghostwriting posts or guides for all of them. Merely adding that set of skills exposed a completely brand-new band of customers.

Renner has discovered comparable achievements. As well as utilizing appropriate hashtags, she will make it a point to update her visibility with proper keywords, "especially terms associated with the tasks and customers you would like," she adds. Since clients search LinkedIn making use of keywords and phrases, she uses a lot of appropriate keyword phrases to describe her job's knowledge. "The greater directly your visibility suits that of a task definition, a lot more likely it is you will bring in prospective clients and employers."

4. Update your professional-looking headshot.

You don't need to set up a specialist photoshoot to obtain a fantastic headshot; however, your headshot should never seem like a mug chance. This will be their expert face, all things considered, as well as the picture you are showing to individuals who might maybe not ever fulfil your true life. Based on LinkedIn, a good visibility image boosts panorama by 21 circumstances and creates nine times extra link demands.

5. Ask for suggestions.

We prefer the end of a monumental task or schedule 12 months to inquire about several customers to promote a suggestion. It is fantastic personal verification, and I've had the opportunity to point customers to those guidelines whenever I am putting up startup companies.

6. Accept excellent services.

Visit a great tale you need to display? Range from the creator's title. Have excellent knowledge about specific companies? Express props in their article. It perhaps not merely provides all of them with recognition, they reveal your contacts which you worry about the neighbourhood and would like to share with you great details together with all of them.

7. Post regularly.

Just like many social-media systems, LinkedIn's algorithm benefits those who upload usually. If every day also feels much, seek to at the very least get yourself an article or two up every few days. Pick out a specified day of the times to test in so that it gets the program.

Having a LinkedIn existence on its own is not adequate to produce a desire for you or their services, the same as just creating an internet site is not acceptable to draw men and women in. They require feeling a functional element of one's marketing toolbox so that you can see outcomes. Renner acknowledges that even most editors and companies began trying after she started posting a lot more regularly on LinkedIn and revealing their work.

"Building your LinkedIn existence will take time," she says. "Hold on even though you do not discover listings immediately. The efficiency with this tactic will build with every link you will be making and each post you share."

Pro Marketer is an SEO company in Toronto that guarantees efficiency and value at an affordable price. Each SEO professional in our company focuses on strategic implementations to help you achieve your goals faster.

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Top 5 LinkedIn Profile Tips!


Saturday, August 20, 2022

How To Master Paid Social Media Advertising Like A Pro


Tips to Help Improve Your Social Media Marketing


When social media first emerged on the scene, it was underestimated by many brands. It's not 'til now we're seeing more and more business owners creating a presence on these platforms. The ones who jumped aboard early on are reaping the benefits now, especially if they had the assistance from social media marketing companies.

If you're a new business or one that has yet to try out social media marketing, then you should consider hiring professional services. You can also use the following tips to guide you along your path to building a strong brand on social platforms that are right for you.

Try One Platform at a Time

There are various social media sites you can add to your online marketing tool kit, but you don't want to do it all at once. You need to focus on one or two platforms at a time, particularly those that have a large amount of your followers. The idea is to hone your skills on the first set of platforms before venturing off to others.

Focus Just as Much On Social Engagement

Too much focus is given on creating posts and content, and not enough on engaging with followers. There should be a nice balance between sharing content and socializing. Don't treat this new found outlet as a platform for advertising. It's a social environment, so use this to show you're human. People love that stuff.

Create a Schedule for Your Content

Consistency is key if you want to keep your followers engaged with your brand. Creating a schedule can help organize your topics and publishing time, so you don't dry out. Social media marketing companies can help develop a content calendar for your accounts. These services can also be used to carry out the plan, so you can focus on operating your business.

Track Everything

It's highly important to keep track of every aspect of your social media marketing. This will determine when something is wrong, what's wrong and what needs to be improved. These can be very telling of your marketing strategy and whether it needs tweaking. Social media agencies have tracking and analytics tools they can use to keep watch of your campaigns.

At the end of the day, you need to know when it's time to delegate this task to someone else. If you can't handle or lack the knowledge of executing a successful social media marketing campaign, then you need to find a replacement. Your best bet is to go with a professional services provider. is a leading, full service internet marketing agency. I Think an Idea works with serious business owners small to large alike. Based out of Los Angeles, CA providing great results for services such as SEO, social media marketing, Online reputation management and PPC management. I Think an Idea can maximize your search engine presence and amplify your brand across many channels, and help safeguard your reputation.

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Friday, August 19, 2022

Social Media Graphics Ideas: Upgrade Your Social Media Visuals Today


Improve Your Image Through Better Social Media Marketing

 In years past, social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter were primarily used as outlets to share family photos or talk about your day-to-day lives. While people use these sites for those purposes, they have also become very effective marketing tools. The following article will help teach you how social media can be used to market your business.

Take time when deciding what your overall strategy will incorporate. If you do not have a clear strategy and bounce from one social site to another, you can end up wasting time and money. Use techniques that make the best use of all of your resources, and proceed with patience.

Relax, it is just an online conversation. Email used to scare the pants off of companies who did not understand the good, the bad, and the ugly of the whole thing. Now it is the go-to communication channel. Social media is the new channel, and all you need to do is sit down and talk to your customers. It is what they want and what you need.

To help you attract more visitors, you should promote your site through niche social media sites. What's great about niche social media sites is that they can send you a lot of targeted traffic. Even if the niche site is small, it can still send you quality visitors who are more likely to purchase something from your site because they already have an interest in your product.

Allow customers to rate, comment and sort your items. Adding these functions to your site lets users decide the most popular content, and it gives them a voice and also makes them an active participant.

If you are using social media to promote your product and you have written a blog post, have it posted to your Facebook page as well. This way, everyone that is on your friends list has access to your blog post. The same holds true for other social network sites.

To really increase your follower base on, you need to go beyond just selling products. Post links or stories from outside providers that are related to your niche or industry. Get your followers to participate in conversation by asking them questions, posting contests, or including pictures and encouraging their comments. Find ways to get your followers engaged and involved. Instead of focusing on strategic product placement, emphasize the use of your products to interact with others. Aim to create an association between your brand and your customers' lifestyles and identities, rather than their wallets.

Do not neglect LinkedIn. LinkedIn is less popular than Facebook or Twitter, but you can find extremely influential users on this site. Add a LinkedIn 'share' button on your articles, and chances are that someone who shares your content on LinkedIn will cause dozens of people to share it on other websites.

It may be time to view social media marketing in a different light. It's not just about Farmville and hashtags anymore. This is the opportunity for you to find new customers. You should have some good ideas about harnessing social media's potential for your own use after taking a look at this article's advice. Sign on to some of these popular websites, and get to work!

Kurt Tasche is an internet entrepreneur who writes articles on internet marketing tips, ways to make money online and personal development. You can read more articles like this on his blog at:

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Thursday, August 18, 2022

A Complete Guide to Goal Setting


Make Your Goals a Habit

 When we're starting out, it's tempting to treat goal-setting as an all or nothing mindset, where aiming to excel, establish a great reputation and be recognized as successful are the daily focuses of our lives.

Over time we may come to realize that big goals are in many ways like onions, with multi-layers contributing to the finished product, each needing to be nurtured and developed. It's important to make time for them to grow and be recognized as separate components, with the layers eventually coming together to make the ultimate result.

We maybe set aside time to promote ourselves on social media, update our accounts, complete our journal, do some yoga practice, go online for a special class, but it's only when our goals are absorbed into our way of life and become second-nature, a habit, that they become an automatic part of our functioning, pulling together to make a well-rounded quality of life.

By making your goals a habit you're living each day to the full, enjoying what you're doing and are less distracted by how much it advances your route to success. You simply keep going, working with your master plan towards the big picture, whilst incorporating positive practices into your daily life.

You may have identified stepping-stones, actions and decisions that need to be taken everyday to achieve your goal. For example, progressing your business growth may require a specific number of contacts to be made on a regular basis, losing weight may include daily choices about exercise and what to eat, running a marathon may mean covering a certain distance each week. Doing something big or small that becomes a part of your regular mindset and commitment.

Even on relatively inactive days or those times when other things take precedence it's important to make some acknowledgement of your ultimate focus. That way, your actions gradually become a habit. Remind yourself of your goals by having them in plain sight on a vision board, on your screen saver or by writing them in the front of your journal or diary, so that you connect with them regularly, either consciously or unconsciously. Ensure that they're always with you.

You may have high-lighted specific big goals as the focus for your efforts, but habits come about through being a reasonably comfortable, regular commitment, rather than being so big that you risk becoming overwhelmed or required to park other areas of your life. Doing something that's straightforward and relatively easy to include has a greater chance of becoming a habit and subsequently resulting in success.

That's why it's best to break big goals down into smaller segments, bite-sized chunks that don't need too much thought or can be arranged in advance. Otherwise, on busy, stressful days all your good intentions risk being cast to one side, as you default to easier, more familiar habit patterns, or reject them as you deal with pressing matters that require all your attention.

Some people find that making lists is a positive way to introduce a new habit, breaking down a larger goal into achievable actions each day. Setting a timer can help you manage how long to spend on each task, so ensuring there's real focus on the task in hand, whilst also avoiding becoming too absorbed for too long on a single piece of work.

It's good to cultivate the habit of achieving something, however small, each day. That mindset is proactive, motivational and encourages you to intermittently review your plans, raise the bar and move them forwards. Even a quick phone call or email can be enough to make progress.

When that outlook has become a habit, there's an enthusiastic approach to what can be achieved each day; something small on busy days, taking larger steps when there's the time and energy available.

Accountability is often important, having someone to regularly check-in with, who wants to know what you've done, where you're up to, what the likely outcome could be. Scheduling an appointment when you have to explain yourself is incredibly motivational; something that's only too evident on the days before a slimmer's class has a weigh-in!

But a coach or mentor can also help iron out any issues, steer or guide you as to available options, help you re-focus after a set-back. Someone who's on your side, who's with you during your struggles, who understands what you're going through can make a massive difference to your motivation levels.

Making your goals a habit is an important contributor to your success, but don't allow yourself to be too tied down by them. Allow yourself to enjoy the journey and maybe even appreciate occasional detours along the way. After all, once you reach your destination you may be at a loss as to what to do next or simply be inspired to start again and set some new goals.

Sometimes it's exciting not to be too rigid about chasing your initial goals. It can be satisfying to enjoy exploring new opportunities and follow where they lead. Unexpected adventures can be a reward in themselves. Take time to value each experience that presents itself as you progress. Then, your goal-motivated mindset will become a habit, as well as a stimulating and enjoyable contributor to your way of thinking.

Susan Leigh, South Manchester counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon. To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit

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Social Media Ad Graphics Do's and Don'ts